"Traveling across America to meet individuals protecting the places people love, and sharing their stories."
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In the Office with The Vermont Land Trust


After a day on the road with Al Karnatz I headed into the main office of Vermont Land Trust to meet with John Roe, Vice President for Land Conservation, and Dennis Shaffer, Vice President for Stewardship. 

Among other things, we talked about the history of Vermont Land Trust, working on a statewide basis, and some of the largest projects they have completed: Champion and Atlas.  There is a lot to learn from the experience of working on these large projects, with cooperation from a number of other organizations, and working with new corporate owners as a property changes hands

Listen in and then check out their website for more information.


Running Time 16:01

Notes: Intro and outgo music is from Tempest (de havilland vampire) by The Brothers Femme.

July 14, 2009   2 Comments